Juniper's College Fund
In lieu of traditional gifts, please consider visiting this donation link and using the code C8G-284
to contribute to Juniper's higher education.
Why a College Fund?
To be honest with you, we don't need traditional wedding gifts. They're great for young families and folks starting a new household. In our case, when we moved in together a couple years ago, we already had two of everything. Would you believe we still have two colors of the same ice cream maker?
Anyhow, being a parent changes your priorities. All we want is for our daughter to thrive. We're already doing great for baby gear (and a big thank you to everyone who has been so generous with your gifts already) so we're looking to the future. We've decided the best way to do that is a 529 saving plan.
If you're not familiar, a 529 is a tax-advantaged saving plan for higher education. Here are some cool facts about this plan:
- Can be used for college tuition and other costs such as vocational school, room & board, books, and more.
- If Juniper doesn't use it all for education, she can roll it over into a Roth IRA.
- If Juniper gets a scholarship, she can withdraw funds up to amount of the scholarship without tax penalty.
So if you'd like to contribute, use the link at the top of the page. If you still want to give us a little something that's fine too, we're not going to fuss about it. Just don't get us an ice cream maker!